Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mr. Putin's Ease & Tease (Ass)

I listened to president of USA , and now I am listening  to Mr. Putin. Mr . Obama’s speech was short , direct and to the point. I don’t know what Mr. Putin is saying . Maybe because I am American (I like the sound of that), and not Russian.

What Mr. Putin is saying , and is still blabbing ;”we got sanctions, we have to diversify Putin’s investments” , and that “I am sorry we didn't do it earlier, and that self-preservation, self-esteem-self-actualization and self-Bullshit is very important for Russian people”…still he is talking.
I don’t’ know if Russians people do have enough patient to listen to his 4 hours speech, I don’t’ have that patient. Also I don’t have an idea if Mr. Putin’s speech will ease Russians fear, and Tease (ass). Even when Mr. Putin said everything is under control (Russian currency, Russian Economy, ) , 

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