Continuation ; Politics, Parties, And Elections In America 18-
Governmental succession through changes in party control is possible only when the notion of the loyal opposition is accepted. Loyal opposition involves opposing and criticizing the policies of the government-the-day ( those currently in office) and standing ready to take its place. But it also requires acceptance of the basic structure of the government and the processes under which it operates. In other words, acceptance of a loyal opposition party requires that those in power and their supporters recognize that to oppose the policies of the government is not treason and advocacy of revolution. In the United States, it took a long time to establish the principle that assaults on the government by the "outs" were to be expected and tolerated. In his Farewell Address, Washington, for example, warned against a spirit of party that he feared would arouse the rabble against the government. And after the Federalists lost the election of 1800, they were so bitter that in the secret Hartford Convention (1814) they advocated the secession of the New England states from the Union, even though the country was at war. Wilfred Brinkley has pointed out that from 1816 to the 1830s, most Americans believed that "there could be but one party-the Republicans-and that all of them belonged to it."20 It was not until the 1840s that the "idea of loyal party opposition….[received] acceptance and approval from Americans."21 Acceptance of the notion of loyal opposition made possible the institutionalization of party conflict which in turn made possible the achievement of public office for the "outs' by nonrevolutionary means.
Governmental succession through changes in party control is possible only when the notion of the loyal opposition is accepted. Loyal opposition involves opposing and criticizing the policies of the government-the-day ( those currently in office) and standing ready to take its place. But it also requires acceptance of the basic structure of the government and the processes under which it operates. In other words, acceptance of a loyal opposition party requires that those in power and their supporters recognize that to oppose the policies of the government is not treason and advocacy of revolution. In the United States, it took a long time to establish the principle that assaults on the government by the "outs" were to be expected and tolerated. In his Farewell Address, Washington, for example, warned against a spirit of party that he feared would arouse the rabble against the government. And after the Federalists lost the election of 1800, they were so bitter that in the secret Hartford Convention (1814) they advocated the secession of the New England states from the Union, even though the country was at war. Wilfred Brinkley has pointed out that from 1816 to the 1830s, most Americans believed that "there could be but one party-the Republicans-and that all of them belonged to it."20 It was not until the 1840s that the "idea of loyal party opposition….[received] acceptance and approval from Americans."21 Acceptance of the notion of loyal opposition made possible the institutionalization of party conflict which in turn made possible the achievement of public office for the "outs' by nonrevolutionary means.
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التعاقب الحكومي خلال التغييرات في سيطرة الحزب محتملة فقط عندما تكون فكرة المعارضة الموالية مقبولة. تشمل المعارضة الموالية الانتقاد والمعارضة لسياسات الحكومي الحالية (أولئك حاليا في المنصب ) وتقف علي استعداد لأخذ مكانها. و يتطلّب ايضا قبول التركيب الأساسي للحكومة والعمليات التي تمارس بموجبها . بكلمة أخرى، قبول حزب المعارضة الموالي يتطلّب بأنّ هؤلاء في الحكم ومؤيدونهم يعترفون بأن معارضة سياسات الحكومة ليس خيانة وتأييد للثورة. في الولايات المتّحدة، أخذ وقتا طويل لتأسيس المبدأ بان مهاجمة الحكومة من قبل "الخارجينouts" يجب ان تكون متوقّعة ومسموحة . في رسالة وداعه ، واشنطن، على سبيل المثال، حذّر ضدّ روحية الحزب بأنّه خشي اثارة الرعاع ضدّ الحكومة. وبعد أن خسر الإتحاديون الإنتخابات 1800، هم كانوا حاقدين جدا بحيث في إتفاقية هارتفورد السرية (1814) دعوا لإنشقاق ولايات نيو إنجلاند من الإتحاد، بالرغم من أنّ البلاد كانت في حالة حرب. أشار ولفريد بنكلي بأن من 1816 إلى 1830 أكثر الأمريكان إعتقدوا بان " لايمكن أن يكون هناك حزبا الا حزب الجمهوريين وبأنّ كلّهم ينتمون إليه" 20 لم يكن حتى 1840 بأن "فكرة معارضة الحزب الموالية …. [حصل ] قبول والموافقة من الأمريكان "21 بسبب قبول فكرة المعارضة الموالية حعلت نزاع الحزب داخل المؤسسة ممكنا و تباعا سهلة مهمة انجاز المنصب العامّ لـ "الخارجين outs بالوسائل الغير الثورية.
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