Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Ban On God

I hope that one day State of Kuwait will follow the state of Maryland, and the Supreme Court of USA , instead of the Supreme Court of  THE ARABS- and an atheist like can hold public office.
An American from South asked me ; "where are you from?"- I said "From State of Kuwait"- He replied; "is it in Midwest"?

SILVER SPRING, Md. (WUSA9) -- Maryland is one of only six states that maintains a ban on allowing people who do not believe in God from holding public office.
Montgomery County State Senator Jamie Raskin says he supports a request from atheist organizations to change Maryland's constitution to eliminate the ban.
"Its unenforceable," said Raskin, who is not an atheist, but who is a firm believer in the separation of church and state.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that such bans are unconstitutional in a 1961 case involving an atheist Maryland man who was not allowed to become a notary because he refused to swear an oath to God.
However, Maryland's constitution was never changed to reflect the Supreme Court decision.
The ban has not been enforced in 53 years.
About 30% of Americans say they seldom or never attend religious services, although nine out of 10 claim to believe in a spiritual higher power.
Raskin says the unenforceable Maryland ban on non-believers serving in public office, on juries or as witnesses in court is discriminatory, offensive and illegal.

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