Thursday, December 18, 2014

Shiite piligrimages are shifting from Saudi Arabia to Iraq

The Shiites pilgrimages are shifting their journey from Saudi Arabia to Iraq,  palaces that are connected with Muhammad grandchildren who were massacred by the Sunni Caliphates according the Shiite scholars.   The Shiite pilgrimages have shifted their journey from Mecca to Karballa , and Najaf because they have felt that they were  let down by  the continuation of aggression against them. Almost all the  Shiites sites, and the historical ones have been demolished, and Shiites not only cannot  pay a respect to such places, but also denied to touch or grieve over the graves of  Prophet Muhammad and his follower, and  particularly the women, because these precepts go against the Saudi Sunni Wahabi. Only  Salafi Wahabism forbids to mourn over the graves, and even to mark a grave.    

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