Continuation ; Politics, Parties, And Elections In America
Parties Have a Unique Relationship to Their Clientele
Parties have a unique relationship to their clientele- the party in the electorate. As Paul Allen Beck has observed, other political organizations, like interest groups, seek to attract the support of persons beyond their membership, but such persons always remain outside the group. But the persons in the electorate being wooed by parties are permitted to take part through the direct primary in the most important activities of the party-the nomination of its candidates and the selection of its leadership. "The American party is an open, inclusive, and semipublic political organization composed of its own clientele, a tangible organizations, and personnel in government. As such it stands alone and unique in the American political system."17
Party Government and the Peaceful Transfer of Governmental Authority
"Democracy involves a balance between the forces of conflict and consensus."18 Institutional structures are needed to reflect and articulate the attitudes and demands of various elements of society. But conflict must be held within reasonable bounds if the political order is to have any stability and continuity. Structures for achieving agreement and consensus are required. As the discussion of party functions has demonstrated, parties are central to these seemingly conflicting requirements of a democratic order. They both reflect the conflicts in society and they are involved in the bargaining and negotiation needed to achieve conflict resolution.
As is discussed in chapter 2, the party conflict has been institutionalized in the United States. Americans expect electoral contests between two parties, with the victorious party organizing the government, and the opposition party maintaining a steady barrage of criticism. Changes in the personnel of government are in reality shifts in party control of the presidency of Congress. This process of displacement from power via the election of partisan majorities, of course, is taken for granted by Americans. But is , in fact, a fundamentally different way of replacing officeholders than the common practices of the not too distant past in Western nations. Party displacement of governments is "a substitute for revolt and insurrection and a new means for determining succession of authority."19
Parties Have a Unique Relationship to Their Clientele
Parties have a unique relationship to their clientele- the party in the electorate. As Paul Allen Beck has observed, other political organizations, like interest groups, seek to attract the support of persons beyond their membership, but such persons always remain outside the group. But the persons in the electorate being wooed by parties are permitted to take part through the direct primary in the most important activities of the party-the nomination of its candidates and the selection of its leadership. "The American party is an open, inclusive, and semipublic political organization composed of its own clientele, a tangible organizations, and personnel in government. As such it stands alone and unique in the American political system."17
Party Government and the Peaceful Transfer of Governmental Authority
"Democracy involves a balance between the forces of conflict and consensus."18 Institutional structures are needed to reflect and articulate the attitudes and demands of various elements of society. But conflict must be held within reasonable bounds if the political order is to have any stability and continuity. Structures for achieving agreement and consensus are required. As the discussion of party functions has demonstrated, parties are central to these seemingly conflicting requirements of a democratic order. They both reflect the conflicts in society and they are involved in the bargaining and negotiation needed to achieve conflict resolution.
As is discussed in chapter 2, the party conflict has been institutionalized in the United States. Americans expect electoral contests between two parties, with the victorious party organizing the government, and the opposition party maintaining a steady barrage of criticism. Changes in the personnel of government are in reality shifts in party control of the presidency of Congress. This process of displacement from power via the election of partisan majorities, of course, is taken for granted by Americans. But is , in fact, a fundamentally different way of replacing officeholders than the common practices of the not too distant past in Western nations. Party displacement of governments is "a substitute for revolt and insurrection and a new means for determining succession of authority."19
لدي الاحزاب علاقة فريدة مع زبائنهم
لدي الاحزاب علاقة فريدة مع زبائنهم- نخبة الحزب . كما لاحظ بول ألين بك، المنظمات السياسية ألاخرى، مثل المجموعات الذات المصالح الخاصة، تريد جذب تأييد الأشخاص ما بعد عضويتهم، لكن مثل هؤلاء الأشخاص يبقون دائما خارج المجموعة. لكن الأشخاص في النخبة المشجعين من قبل الاحزاب تسمح لهم للإشتراك خلال الإنتخابات الاولية المباشرة في النشاطات الأكثر أهمية للحزب، ترشيح مرشّحيها وإختيار قيادتها . " يعتبر الحزب الأمريكي منظمة مفتوحة، شاملة، وسياسة نصف عامّة متكوّنة من زبائنها الخاصين، منظمات ملموسة، وموظفون في الحكومة. يقف الحزب في حد ذاته وحيدا وفريدا في النظام السياسي الأمريكي "17
الحكومة الحزبية والنقل السلمي للسلطة الحكومية
"تتضمن الديمقراطية الميزان بين قوات النزاع والإجماع "18 تحتاج الي تركيب مؤسساتي لتعكس وفصل المواقف ومطالبات العناصر المختلفة للمجتمع. لكن النزاع يجب أن يحمل ضمن حدود معقولة إذا النظام السياسي اراد له أيّ إستقرار وإستمرارية. الهياكل لإنجاز الإتفاقية والإجماع يكون مطلوبا. كما برهنت مناقشة وظائف الحزب ، تعتبر الاحزاب ركيزة علي ما يبدو لهذه المطالب المتعارضة للنظام الديمقراطي. كلاهما يعكسان النزاعات في المجتمع وهما يشتركان في المساومة والمفاوضات إحتاجتا لإنجاز قرار النزاع.
كما تمت مناقشتها في الفصل الثاني ، تم تنظيم نزاع الحزب في الولايات المتّحدة. يتوقّع الأمريكان مسابقات إنتخابية بين الحزبين ، وينظم الحزب المنتصر الحكومة، ويبقي حزب المعارضة مسلحا بوابل ثابت من النقد. التغييرات في موظفي الحكومة في الواقع تتناقل في سيطرة حزب الرئاسة أو الكونجرس. هذه العملية من الإزاحة من السلطة عن طريق إنتخاب الأغلبيات التحزبيّة، بالطبع، يعتبر بديهيا من قبل الأمريكان. لكن يعتبر، في الحقيقة ، طريق مختلف أساسا بإستبدال أصحاب المناصب من تقاليد معروفة ليس ماضيا بعيدا جدا في الأمم الغربية. يعتبر إزاحة حزب الحكومات "بديل للثورة والتمرد ووسائل جديدة لتقرير تعاقب السلطة."19
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